Serveur privée 2.69.3

31 Octobre 2020
Hello Hello,

pour vous donner un peut de contexte, je suis actuellement en train de dev mon Serveur privée 2.69.3 (merci Hetarnam de m'avoir lancé hehe), en Typescript.

Le serveur d'authentification fonctionne super bien, j'ai pas de problème de ce côté.
Je switch bien la connection du serveur d'authentification au serveur de jeu au moment de la selection du serveur, ça y'a pas de souci non plus.

J'envoie bien les packets nécessaire, le jeu reçois bien ma liste de personnages,
Capture d’écran 2024-01-02 à 15.09.05.png

Capture d’écran 2024-01-02 à 15.08.40.png

c'est ici ou tout bloque, une fois que le client a reçu la liste des personnages, il refuse catégoriquement de recevoir d'autre packet et je n'arrive pas a trouvé pourquoi :/

je vous partage le fichier de logs du jeu, comme on peut le voir, le client m'envoie bien le message BasicPingMessage, mais il ne reçois jamais ce que je lui répond.

Logs du client:
[Worker] Clearing worker (no more frames or messages in queue)
[StatisticsManager] Status :  Sending = 0 / Total not sent = 0
[Worker] Adding frame: [object InitializationFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object LatencyFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object ServerControlFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object AuthorizedFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object DebugFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object UIInteractionFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object ShortcutsFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object DisconnectionHandlerFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object CleanupCrewFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object StatisticsFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object UiStatsFrame]
[null] Using protocole #1.0.3+7dfcc24, built on Mon, 25 Sep 2023 12:46:34 +0000
[InitializationFrame] received langfileloadedmessage, file : file://config.xml
[AbstractErrorHandler] Loaded Sentry configuration : {   
                           "comment" : "available values : 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled), 2 (enabled with fatal logs) or 3 (enabled with fatal and error logs)",
    "dofus" : "1",
    "reg" : "3"
[AbstractErrorHandler] Last version :
[AbstractErrorHandler] Current version is not the last version, disabling Sentry.
[AbstractErrorHandler] Sentry disabled.
[InitializationFrame] received langallfileloadedmessage, file loaded is : file://config.xml
[InitializationFrame] file : file://config.xml
[InitializationFrame] checking if their is any custom config file
[InitializationFrame] there is some custom config files
[FileProtocol] onFailed file://config-lang-fr.meta
[InitializationFrame] received langfileloadedmessage, file : file://config-lang-fr.xml
[InitializationFrame] received langallfileloadedmessage, file loaded is : file://config-lang-fr.xml
[InitializationFrame] file : file://config-lang-fr.xml
[StatisticsManager] Status :  Sending = 0 / Total not sent = 0
[LangManager] [Warning] LangManager : is unknow
[GenericEventsManager] Hook WindowResize discarded
[RegConnectionManager] Init Reg...
[RegConnectionManager] Reg is Embed
[RegConnectionManager] Reg created.
[RegConnectionManager] Je passe en main
[AmbientSoundsManager] It seems that we have no ambiance for this map
[AmbientSoundsManager] It seems that we have no music for this map
[LangManager] [Warning] LangManager : is unknow
[GenericEventsManager] Hook ConfigStart discarded
[ThemeManager] Using FileStream to load /Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/ on MAC OS X!
[GenericEventsManager] Hook ThemeInstallationProgress discarded
[GenericEventsManager] Hook WindowResize discarded
[Pool] Pool of [class PoolableURLLoader] size beyond the warning limit. Size: 11, limit: 10.
[FileLoader] file://content/maps/world-graph.binarysuccessfully loaded !
[InitializationFrame] received langfileloadedmessage, file : file://content/fonts/fonts.xml
[InitializationFrame] received langallfileloadedmessage, file loaded is : file://content/fonts/fonts.xml
[InitializationFrame] file : file://content/fonts/fonts.xml
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'AnimEmote' for bone 2 in 2-emoteD.swl, will be overwritten with 2-emoteE.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'AnimEmoteTrumpet_0' for bone 2 in 2-emoteE.swl, will be overwritten with 2-emoteA.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'FX_Anime' for bone 1 in 1-FinishMoveC.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_F.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim' for bone 1 in 1-FinishMoveC.swl, will be overwritten with 1-FinishMoveD.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'AnimStatique' for bone 1 in 1-statique.swl, will be overwritten with 1-combatE.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim' for bone 1 in 1-FinishMoveD.swl, will be overwritten with 1-combat.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'AnimStatique' for bone 1 in 1-combatE.swl, will be overwritten with 1-combat.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim_6' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim_0' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim_5' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim2_0' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim2' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[BoneIndexManager] Already existing anim 'Anim_5_5' for bone 1 in 1-combat.swl, will be overwritten with 1-emote_J.swl
[GameDataFileAccessor] 683 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 312 objets in this module
[I18nFileAccessor] Initialized !
[InitializationFrame] received langfileloadedmessage, file : file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/
[InitializationFrame] received langallfileloadedmessage, file loaded is : file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/
[InitializationFrame] file : file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 18 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 2211 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 767 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 227 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 42 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 22 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 304 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 39 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 8 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 242 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3899 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 50 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 357 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 216 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5112 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 861 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 31 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 124 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 9 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 117 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 39 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 151 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 19 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 119 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 14 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 335 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 742 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 76 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 376 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 37 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 265 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4482 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 27 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 29 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 41 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 2195 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 150 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 2329 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 222 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 700 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 19 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 105 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 12 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1811 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 18 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 48950 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 8 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 174 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 22 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 43072 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 9 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 2339 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 62 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 27 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 34 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 290 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5998 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 15 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 11 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 19402 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 19 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3100 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 118 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 350 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 34 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 30 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1937 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 179 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 261 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4638 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 62 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 590 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 202 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 410 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 12141 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 171 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 524 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 300 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 7225 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 6 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 228 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 41 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 28 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 176 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 7 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 11 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 460 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 383 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 41 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 145 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 38 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 18 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 265 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 666 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 758 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 9 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10479 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 27 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 6683 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 64 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 185 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 488 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 14 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 8 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 35 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 266 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 8 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 35 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 7 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1733 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1407 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 20 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 219 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 21 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 306 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 10 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 68 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 9 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 6 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 1165 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 19518 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 150 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 4 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 0 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 6 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 432 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 15477 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 443 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 16 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 24 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 5077 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 253 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 318 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 233 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 18 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 16 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 2614 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 18 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 111 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 15 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 354 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 25 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 58 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 131 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 6556 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 3456 objets in this module
[GameDataFileAccessor] 52 objets in this module
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module : Ankama_Common.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created : Ankama_Common.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Module has shortcuts : Ankama_Common.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for : Ankama_Common.d2ui
[Pool] Pool of [class PoolableURLLoader] size beyond the warning limit. Size: 13, limit: 10.
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module :
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created :
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_Tooltips, 1/6
[UiModuleManager] No shortcuts for module :   loadbytes finished
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for :
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module : Ankama_Console.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created : Ankama_Console.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Module has shortcuts : Ankama_Console.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for : Ankama_Console.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module : Ankama_ContextMenu.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created : Ankama_ContextMenu.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_ContextMenu, 2/6
[UiModuleManager] No shortcuts for module : Ankama_ContextMenu.d2ui   loadbytes finished
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for : Ankama_ContextMenu.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] onShortcutsLoad start for : Ankama_Common
[UiModuleManager] Bind module shortcuts start for : Common
[UiModuleManager] Bind module shortcuts finished for : Common
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_Common, 3/6
[UiModuleManager] onShortcutsLoad finished for : Ankama_Common
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module : Ankama_Config.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created : Ankama_Config.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_Config, 4/6
[UiModuleManager] No shortcuts for module : Ankama_Config.d2ui   loadbytes finished
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for : Ankama_Config.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Start load of module : Ankama_Connection.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] UIModule created : Ankama_Connection.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_Connection, 5/6
[UiModuleManager] No shortcuts for module : Ankama_Connection.d2ui   loadbytes finished
[UiModuleManager] DmOrD2UI function finished for : Ankama_Connection.d2ui
[UiModuleManager] onShortcutsLoad start for : Ankama_Console
[UiModuleManager] Bind module shortcuts start for : Console
[UiModuleManager] Bind module shortcuts finished for : Console
[UiModuleManager] Load script Ankama_Console, 6/6
[UiModuleManager] launchUiCheck start
[UiModuleManager] launchUiCheck finished
[UiModuleManager] onShortcutsLoad finished for : Ankama_Console
[UiRenderManager] Ankama_Common::gameMenu rendered in 32 ms (parsing: 0 ms, build: 30 ms, script:0 ms )
[InitializationFrame] InitializationFrame AllModulesLoaded
[InitializationFrame] onFolderHashCheckInit
[InitializationFrame] Initialization frame end
[LangManager] [Warning] LangManager : config.eventModeParams is unknow
[Worker] Adding frame: [object AuthentificationFrame]
[UiRenderManager] Ankama_Connection::connectionBackground rendered in 4 ms (parsing: 0 ms, build: 4 ms, script:0 ms )
[UiRenderManager] Ankama_Connection::characterHeader rendered in 17 ms (parsing: 0 ms, build: 17 ms, script:0 ms )
[Worker] Adding frame: [object QueueFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object GameStartingFrame]
[InitializationFrame] Enabling feature(s)...
[FeatureManager] Instantiating feature manager
[FeatureManager] Resetting enabled features
[FeatureManager] Listener [object Object] added to Feature debug.benchmark.log (ID: 127) [Client]
[FeatureManager] Listener null added to Feature character.spell.forgettable.modsters (ID: 142) [Client/Server]
[InitializationFrame] Enabling features set in configuration file...
[InitializationFrame] Feature with keyword 'debug.benchmark.log' (#0) has 'enabled' set to false. Ignoring
[InitializationFrame] Enabling features set to be enabled at launch...
[FeatureManager] Feature social.alliance (ID: 17) [Client] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature trade.chatChannel (ID: 75) [Client] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature social.discord (ID: 133) [Client] enabled
[InitializationFrame] Feature(s) enabled
[XmlParsor] [file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/] cssClass is unknown component / property on ComboBox
[XmlParsor] [file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/] placeholder is unknown component / property on ComboBox
[UiRenderManager] file:////Applications/Ankama/Dofus-2.69.3_patched/ rendered in 242 ms (parsing: 231 ms, build: 11 ms, script:0 ms )
[Worker] Removing frame: [object InitializationFrame]
[ErrorManager] Error : 'TypeError: Error #1009'
[MultiConnection] Adding connection server_login
[Worker] Adding frame: [object HandshakeFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_login] Connecting to
[ErrorManager] Error : 'TypeError: Error #1034'
[ServerConnection] [server_login] Connection opened.
[CleanupCrewFrame] [Warning] ConnectedMessage wasn't stopped by a frame.
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] ProtocolRequired @1
[HandshakeFrame] Server version is 1.0.3+7dfcc24. Client version is 1.0.3+7dfcc24.
[Worker] Removing frame: [object HandshakeFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] HelloConnectMessage @2
[null] Hello World AuthentificationManager
[null] current imsg VERSION -> [object Version]
[null] current imsg LANG -> fr
[null] current imsg USERNAME -> admin
[null] current imsg PASSWORD -> admin
[null] current imsg CERTIFICATE ->null
[null] current imsg SERVERID ->1
[null] current imsg AUTOSELECTESERV ->false
[null] login with certificate
[null] imsg.version.initVersion -> function Function() {}
[null] Current version :
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [SND] > IdentificationMessage @3
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] CredentialsAcknowledgementMessage @4
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] IdentificationSuccessMessage @5
[null] Timestamp subscription end date : 1704204883228000 ( 07/02/55974 14:20 )
[Worker] Adding frame: [object ChangeCharacterFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object ServerSelectionFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] ServersListMessage @6
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] ServerStatusUpdateMessage @7
[Berilia] login correctly unloaded in 15ms
[UiRenderManager] Ankama_Connection::serverListSelection rendered in 14 ms (parsing: 0 ms, build: 14 ms, script:0 ms )
[null] Server 292 status changed to 3.
[StateContainer] btn_server_m_gd_listServer_1 : No data for state '5' (5 states)
[StateContainer] btn_server_m_gd_listServer_1 : No data for state '5' (5 states)
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [SND] > ServerSelectionMessage @8
[ServerConnection] [server_login] [RCV] SelectedServerDataMessage @9
[ServerConnection] [server_login] Connection closed.
[null] Connection to game server using ports : 443
[DisconnectionHandlerFrame] The connection was closed. Checking reasons.
[DisconnectionHandlerFrame] The connection closure was expected (reason: 1). Dispatching the message.
[Worker] Adding frame: [object GameServerApproachFrame]
[MultiConnection] Adding connection server_game
[Worker] Adding frame: [object HandshakeFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_game] Connecting to
[Worker] Adding frame: [object MiscFrame]
[Worker] Adding frame: [object FeatureFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_game] Connection opened.
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] ProtocolRequired @10
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] HelloGameMessage @11
[HandshakeFrame] Server version is 1.0.3+7dfcc24. Client version is 1.0.3+7dfcc24.
[Worker] Removing frame: [object HandshakeFrame]
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > AuthenticationTicketMessage @12
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] AuthenticationTicketAcceptedMessage @13
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] BasicTimeMessage @14
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] ServerSettingsMessage @15
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] ServerOptionalFeaturesMessage @16
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] AccountCapabilitiesMessage @17
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] TrustStatusMessage @18
[FeatureFrame] Receiving features from the server
[FeatureFrame] Resetting enabled server features
[FeatureManager] Resetting enabled server features
[FeatureFrame] Activating current server features
[FeatureManager] Feature trade.averagePricesAutoUpdate (ID: 3) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature system.lagByAck (ID: 5) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature system.fastPing (ID: 13) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature character.xp.bonusForYoungerCharacters (ID: 20) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature character.progressionGuideSuggestion (ID: 124) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature character.xp (ID: 125) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature character.closecombat (ID: 143) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureManager] Feature inventory.character.slot.fightConsumable (ID: 150) [Client/Server] enabled
[FeatureFrame] Finished activating server features
[FeatureFrame] Resetting enabled server-connection features
[FeatureManager] Resetting enabled server-connection features
[FeatureFrame] Activating server-connection client features
[FeatureManager] Feature companion.hudButtonAndShortcut (ID: 88) [Client] enabled
[FeatureFrame] Feature temporis.achievementProgress (ID: 111) [Client] will not be enabled on the server.
[FeatureFrame] Feature temporis.drops (ID: 112) [Client] will not be enabled on the server.
[FeatureFrame] Feature character.spell.breed.limitedActiveAndPassiveSpells (ID: 135) [Client] will not be enabled on the server.
[FeatureManager] Feature fight.slave.actionbars (ID: 144) [Client] enabled
[FeatureFrame] Finished activating server-connection client features
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > HaapiApiKeyRequestMessage @19
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > CharactersListRequestMessage @20
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] BasicAckMessage @21
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [RCV] CharactersListMessage @22
[UiRenderManager] Ankama_Connection::characterSelection rendered in 16 ms (parsing: 0 ms, build: 16 ms, script:0 ms )
[Berilia] serverListSelection correctly unloaded in 7ms
[AbstractUrlLoaderAdapter] Found and cleaned multiple frames and/or children on the scene of pak://content/gfx/sprites/skins.d2p|1965.swl, its FLA should be cleaned though!
[LibrariesManager] Loaded pak://content/gfx/sprites/skins.d2p|1965.swl
[LibrariesManager] Loaded pak://content/gfx/sprites/bones0.d2p|1-statique.swl
[LibrariesManager] Loaded pak://content/gfx/sprites/skins.d2p|100.swl
[AbstractUrlLoaderAdapter] Found and cleaned multiple frames and/or children on the scene of pak://content/gfx/sprites/skins.d2p|2162.swl, its FLA should be cleaned though!
[LibrariesManager] Loaded pak://content/gfx/sprites/skins.d2p|2162.swl
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > BasicPingMessage @23
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > BasicPingMessage @24
[ServerConnection] [server_game] [SND] > BasicPingMessage @25

Je vous souhaite tout de même à tous une excellente année :p
31 Octobre 2020
bon est bien au final j'ai finis pas trouver de moi même,

j'avais une info dans le CharactersListMessage en trop, le client n'en a pas besoins mais il l'interprétait tout de même
Dernière édition:
15 Aout 2023
Comment puis-je vous contacter, je voudrais vous poser quelques questions.
Haut Bas