Résultats de la recherche

  1. H

    Ban Using Device ID

    well I had about 20 accounts banned fresh with new IP (seprate) , because I connected using a 8 year old pc that had some accounts banned on it 6 years ago .
  2. H

    Ban Using Device ID

    Hello After some tests , i have found the logic behind some mystery bans. (Anti-Bot) So here is the Deal : send_device_infos can be found inside the dofus client . postParams["session_id"] = toPathValue(session_id); postParams["connection_type"] = toPathValue(connection_type)...
  3. H

    Do2 Item in chat Can run Programs!!

    https://www.gamosaurus.com/jeux/dofus/dofus-une-faille-decouverte-attention-aux-hacks https://www.dofus.com/en/forum/2-general-discussion/337859-multiple-people-hacked-through-game-chat this is very scary , how we did not find this for so long :D :D
  4. H

    Récupérer le nom de compte

    crimeflare.org by pass le Cloudfare get the Ip of anakam.com directly then just find haapi URL on that IP using subdomain scanners
  5. H

    Hitman un merci

    thank you all , i hope all of you are doing fine , best of luck
  6. H

    Hitman un merci

    À ceux qui ne me connais pas, they used to call me hitman 47. à ceux qui me connais, probablement J'étais un imbécile ou j'ai vous donné 500 000 000 K dans dofus . Je suis ici pour vous remercier . tous les membres L'ancien et le nouveau un par un , un merci pour ce forum pour chaque...
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