* Functions exported in FastFind.dll - version 2.0
* EXPIMP is defined as follows : #define EXPIMP __declspec(dllimport) _stdcall
* COLORREF is defined as follows : typedef DWORD COLORREF
// Exclusion areas
void EXPIMP AddExcludedArea(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
bool EXPIMP IsExcluded(int x, int y, HWND hWnd);
void EXPIMP ResetExcludedAreas();
// Configuration
void EXPIMP SetDebugMode(int NewMode);
void EXPIMP SetHWnd(HWND NewWindowHandle, bool bClientArea);
// Basic functions
int EXPIMP GetPixel(int X, int Y, int NoSnapShot);
int EXPIMP ColorPixelSearch(int &XRef, int &YRef, int ColorToFind, int NoSnapShot);
int EXPIMP GetPixelFromScreen(int x, int y, int NoSnapShot); // Idem GetPixel, mais en coordonnées écran
// Snapshots
int EXPIMP SnapShot(int aLeft, int aTop, int aRight, int aBottom, int NoSnapShot);
// List of colors management
int EXPIMP AddColor (COLORREF NewColor);
int EXPIMP RemoveColor (COLORREF NewColor);
void EXPIMP ResetColors ();
// Search function, for multiple colors (color list should be defined first)
int EXPIMP ColorsPixelSearch(int &XRef, int &YRef, int NoSnapShot);
// ColorsSearch is close to ColorSearch, except it can look for several colors instead of only one.
int EXPIMP ColorsSearch(int SizeSearch, int &NbMatchMin, int &XRef, int &YRef, int NoSnapShot);
// Most generic search function : called in most case.
int EXPIMP GenericColorSearch(int SizeSearch, int &NbMatchMin, int &XRef, int &YRef, int ColorToFind, int ShadeVariation, int NoSnapShot);
// New vith verion 1.4 : more powerful search function : looks for 'spots' instead of pixels
int EXPIMP ProgressiveSearch(int SizeSearch, int &NbMatchMin, int NbMatchMax, int &XRef, int &YRef, int ColorToFind/*-1 if several colors*/, int ShadeVariation, int NoSnapShot);
// Count pixels with a given color
int EXPIMP ColorCount(int ColorToFind, int NoSnapShot, int ShadeVariation);
// SnapShot saving into bitmap file
bool EXPIMP SaveBMP(int NoSnapShot, LPCSTR szFileName /* With no extension (xxx.bmp added)*/);
bool EXPIMP SaveJPG(int NoSnapShot, LPCSTR szFileName /* With no extension*/, ULONG uQuality) ;
int EXPIMP GetLastFileSuffix();
// Raw SnapShot rata retrieval
int * EXPIMP GetRawData(int NoSnapShot, int &NbBytes);
// Detection of changes between two SnapShots
int EXPIMP KeepChanges(int NoSnapShot, int NoSnapShot2, int ShadeVariation); // ** Changed in version 2.0 : ShadeVariation added **
int EXPIMP KeepColor(int NoSnapShot, int ColorToFind, int ShadeVariation);
int EXPIMP HasChanged(int NoSnapShot, int NoSnapShot2, int ShadeVariation); // ** Changed in version 2.0 : ShadeVariation added **
int EXPIMP LocalizeChanges(int NoSnapShot, int NoSnapShot2, int &xMin, int &yMin, int &xMax, int &yMax, int &nbFound, int ShadeVariation); // ** Changed in version 2.0 : ShadeVariation added **
// Display of a SnapShot
bool EXPIMP DrawSnapShot(int NoSnapShot);
bool EXPIMP DrawSnapShotXY(int NoSnapShot, int X, int Y); // ** New in version 2.0 **
// Change of the color of a pixel (hyper-omptimized function)
bool EXPIMP FFSetPixel(int x, int y, int Color, int NoSnapShot);
// SnapShot duplication
bool EXPIMP DuplicateSnapShot(int Src, int Dst);
// Misc functions, new in version 2.0
int EXPIMP ComputeMeanValues(int NoSnapShot, int &MeanRed, int &MeanGreen, int &MeanBlue);
int EXPIMP ApplyFilterOnSnapShot(int NoSnapShot, int Red, int Green, int Blue);
Marche pas non plus :/
Peut-être qu'il faut obligatoirement que j'utilise la DLL 64 bits ?