Hey ,I see that you're new on this forum so :
dofus server communicates differently with his clients . Obviously , all these communication methods can be found on the client sources (ref. the message before this one) , dofus client is coded with actionscript 3 which can be easily decompilated with an AS3 decompiler , yet I wont advice doing this before reading the main tutorials of this forum :
Also the code on these tutorials may be outdated so it would be great if you just undersand how it mainly works then you will be given some good dofus emulating/botting projects and samples on wich you could learn .
Besides ,don't be shy and come on our discord server where you can get better help on understanding or translating the tutorials ;) .
And finally don't get demotivated by the language because many people who don't understand french had the patience of learning and now are leading great projects #Genesis .
Good luck and sorry for the bad english .