Hi all!!
Well I really like this community, all the people active are very friendly, and here I start the dev world of Dofus (Thanks all the people for the patience with me :3 )
I'm here to make a proposition to the new cadernis is comming...
I hate to see that the forum is so inactive, not much question, and I only see people leech work of others and take this public work to sell...
I take an idea from another forum to rebuild all the mechanism of the forum to mae it more active and less leech ^^
The Proposition:
By general the peopel take all from here and not even a thanks they people, the proposition is simple:
1) Add level of leech or karma:
By general the people go here and take the content and I'll back, to avoid it I propose a level of leech,
It work simple, the links of the forum are hidden if you need something you need reply... But wait if your reply your level of leech is going down (- A negative level), and if you have a determined level of bad leech you can't see the link's, problem of leechers solved, of course they need 1 account by ip etc...
But well how I have a good leech level or antileech level?
Is simple you need help the forum, answer questions, help others, making tutorials etc...
That is basic... Can be other functions to the leech level?
Well I think make private sections of the forum, is your leech level is big positive you can access to this area of the forum with "more cool things",
Maybe implement a ranks to determine the most active and better accounts of the community ^^
I'm a newbiee dev?
The question too can be a positive leech level... Like me I know what is be noob but with question and R&D all is possible :3
The objetive of all this, make cadernis the better forum, more active and more people, I see other forum with a similar system and is a very big community ^^
Tell me... what you think??? :mrgreen:
(If you can translate to french would be great :3)
Thanks Cadernis :D